We want to know all the answers before we start. Otherwise we don’t. We stay in our comfort zone. To start, we need to see the end. And the vision of the end is usually hard to see. So we get stuck.
If you want to improve, reach your goal, and get unstuck, the best way is to start. Make a lot of mistakes and learn on the way. Fail, pick yourself up and learn. That’s probably the best formula to get unstuck I know.
Look, that fatty kid who’s brother was in wrestling team just went along for the practice with him. Kept coming in spite of being the worst. He got a lot of laughs from teammates and he lost most of his fights. He was the worst in a group. But he persisted and kept trying to improve. Well, now, he is a great athlete with college scholarship mostly winning the wrestling tournaments. And he is not fat anymore, but very fit.
Start, don’t wait and you’ll never be stuck ever again.