What a great week! My daughter Eva was born 8.21.2014, which is the biggest event in my life for this year, and with my sons Andre birth almost 3 years ago it is the absolute highlight of my life I am very thankful for everybody being healthy. And maybe some day they’ll too have Six Pack Abs clearly visible. I will certainly help them get there.
Let’s get right away to our next Six Pack Abs step in our Year to Six Pack Abs program. Step 43 in year to Six Pack Abs is to self experiment.
Year to six pack abs – week 43 – step 43 video:
What do I mean by self experimenting? Let me explain.
I gave you a lot of steps over some time in Year to Six Pack Abs program to follow. And I hope you follow them. Now I want you to go and change something, and see what happens. We are all very individual human beings. And not everything works the same way for us. I am by any means much more different than you are. Some things that work for you won’t work for me and vice versa.
For example, I’ve been self experimenting these days on my protein intake in my diet. I am trying to lover protein in my diet right now from 0.7 to 0.5 g and less per pound of my body weight daily. And subsequently increasing my good fat intake. It might seem little surprising for you my fellow Six a Pack Abs achiever, that I am actually increasing fat in my diet to see what happens. Well, it’s working very well. I feel better actually and I have slightly more energy overall without gaining any fat. Quite a success in my experimentation. So I have a feeling I will stick to lover protein intake in my diet for good.
30 Day trial
I usually give my self experiment 30 days to apply and see. It’s important to give your body at least 30 days to see how it’ll react to change. And than you can make the adjustments. I am pretty sure that after my 30 day trial with lover intake of protein in my diet, and little increase of good fats in my diet, yes butter included, I will stick to it. It showed to be a positive change as a result in my self experiment in this case – eating less protein and more fat than I used to.
Self experimentation never ends
Your self experimentation should never end. If you really think about it, it takes 30 days to find out the result of your self experiment. So pretty much, you have a room for 12 experiments per year. Since I don’t advice anybody to apply more experiments on themselves than one at the time, you should be experimenting all the time. Having more than one experiment diminishes your will to run the experiment all the way to the end. And you might fail at both of them. That’s why you should be self experimenting one experiment at the time.
My next self experiment will be cutting my carbohydrate intake to below 50 grams per day and trying it for 30 days. A very challenging experiment indeed. And I will certainly let you know how I did, if I succeed with it and stick to it for 30 days.
Let your self experimentation start today
So what are you going to try on yourself my fellow Six Pack Abs achiever? I don’t care what it is. Just try something! Try something different! See how it works. And that try something else. Keep self experimenting and you’ll certainly succeed!
And now, I’ve got some more important things to do! Running, feeding, changing, playing with my kids. By all means all of them very helpful for my Six Pack Abs.
Stand in front of the mirror and scream!
I understand the importance of self experimentation on the journey to my own six pack abs! And I self experiment constantly!
I am losing fat, getting stronger, healthier, better looking and my physical and mental performance and energy is rising every day.
My six pack abs is more and more visible on my stomach everyday!
I make things happen! And I am making my own Six Pack Abs happen!
Year to six pack abs series:
Year to six pack abs – week 33 – step 33
Year to six pack abs – week 34 – step 34
Year to six pack abs – week 35 – step 35
Year to six pack abs – week 36 – step 36
Year to six pack abs – week 37 – step 37
Year to six pack abs – week 38 – step 38
Year to six pack abs – week 39 – step 39
Year to six pack abs – week 40 – step 40