Our second step in year to six pack abs program is:
Start walking more now!
How to start?
Beginners: 3 and more times per week for at least 15 minutes and more.
For advanced exercisers and already active people: Same thing as beginners. Keep the activity level where it is now and add walking on most days of your week. More walking is better. I am personally adding about 20 minutes to my 30 min. already per day, starting today.
How do you add more walking to your life?
One strategy to use is to just get out of the house right after dinner and walk your neighborhood. I used to do this while bouncing a tennis ball. It was fun, active and I got my creative juices flowing too.
I don’t do it anymore. Having a young child, I don’t get to seat in front of TV after dinner anymore.
But, if you have time, this is a pretty good way to make your evening more interesting. Instead of crashing on the sofa in front of TV, (for those without kids) get out and walk your neighborhood.
For those people like me, busy and with no any spare time in the evening, add walking throughout the day.
Walk anywhere you can, instead of driving. Take stairs instead of taking elevator. Take a back pack and walk to your grocery store shopping, possibly taking your child with you. I do this often. My little boy is not even two and he walks with me a mile or two to the grocery store, park, library, instead of me driving him.
It’s good for him, it’s good for me. Everything takes a little bit longer like than driving everywhere, but your six pack abs and all the wonderful things with it benefit too. It’s a well worth your time.
If I can do it with not even two year old child, you can do it on your own too. No excuses! Keep that car parked and walk wherever possible you can.
Not only six pack abs benefit from walking
There was a great study done about walking and it’s benefits. Yes it helps with getting six pack abs and making you more beautiful. But it also makes you more intelligent. People who were walking more, even with less education than those who didn’t walk on regular basis, had bigger brains and higher IQs than non walkers.
One more time tell yourself loudly in the from of the mirror 7 times:
I am walking more in my life! I am walking 3 and more times per week for at least 15 minutes and more!
I am getting stronger, healthier, better looking and my physical and mental performance and energy is rising every day!
My six pack abs is more and more visible on my stomach everyday!
Year to six pack abs series :
Hi Milan,
I have just started watching your videos weekly. I am very motivated to get a six pack abs and convinced that following your weekly exercises I will achieve it.Below are my body stats
1. Height – 6ft
2. Weight – 79kgs
3. Fat %- 30%
4. Age – 32
I have a big tummy (not too big though). I just feel that how much ever I work these flabs will not go. Also I got this flab as I used to drink a lot of beer during my earlier age. WIll following your guidance strictly will get me the six packs that I always craved for?
Should I do anything else also with your mentioned exercises?
Thanks in advance