To get closer to your own six pack abs my dear six pack abs achiever, add some fat with every meal you eat. No I am not kidding here. Consuming fat can really, really help you loose fat and make your six pack abs really visible.
Year to six pack abs – week 11 – step 11 video:
Fat in our diet is important. We were meant to eat fat. There is nothing wrong about fat consumption. Fat consumption is necessary for good health.
Fat consumption benefits and six pack abs
First, fat satisfies. Did you ever had a meal and you felt hungry soon after again? Like for example your favorite cereal and fat free milk with maybe some banana in it? I am sure you did. And the reason for it was, that you just didn’t have any or you had very little fat in that meal. In that breakfast I described above, there is almost no fat at all. And while you think, that that’s a good thing, considering the bad reputation fat has these days, it really is not a good thing at all.
Fat satisfies. With that, it actually makes you eat less. I don’t want you to be afraid of fat. I want you to enjoy it! And reap the six pack abs benefits of it at the same time.
Second, and it is related to the fat benefit number 1. Fat works as a sort of traffic controller in your body – stomach and intestines. It slows down the sugar entry to the blood stream. And with that, your sugar levels in blood stream stay consistent. There are no ups and downs in sugar level in your blood. This is a fantastic six pack abs benefit. Seriously! Let me explain.
Latest studies show that inflammation in the body is responsible for fat accumulation. And what causes inflammation? Rapid release of insulin caused by spikes of sugar levels, caused by mainly consuming bad concentrated sugar and carbohydrate rich products and not nought good fats in the diet to regulate this blood sugar entry.
Well, my explanation might seem little bit too complicated, bit all you have to remember is to add little bit of fat with every meal you eat. And, this is already step 11 for week 11 on our journey to six pack abs and your diet is suppose to be pretty good already. If it’s not, start where you left off. Adding little bit of fat with every meal you eat will improve your diet even further.
Best six pack abs fat choices:
Olive oil
Almonds raw
Macadamia nuts raw
butter – grass fed
coconut oil
Cashews raw
Peanuts raw
Walnuts raw
Peanut butter – in moderation (unbleached and unsalted)
Almond butter (unbleached and unsalted)
Cashews butter – raw
Coconut butter and cream
Coconut meat fresh
Fats from fresh meats – preferably pastured
Your meal might look like this: you have some dandelion leaf salad with some grilled chicken on it. And while that chicken already contains some fat, you add little bit more of it. Like for example being little bit heavier handed with that olive oil and pouring noticeable amount on that salad. And maybe even adding 17 raw almonds on it too. Did you do it? Fantastic! What a great healthy, nutritious, carbohydrate low and slowing it even further six pack abs meal that is! Something like this. Don’t be afraid of fat! Enjoy it! You get the picture.
Another example would be your mid afternoon snack in form of 2 pieces of some fresh fruit, let’s say apple – my all time favorite (I wouldn’t change apple for any other kind of fruit) and having 17 almonds with it. With those almonds, you add a lot of nutrition into your snack and it will keep you more satisfied and longer too. Why? There is plenty of fat in almonds.
Stand in front of the mirror and scream!
I’m eating some good fat from my list with every meal I eat! I am not afraid of fat! I know it’s benefits! My diet is becoming really fantastic! I am very proud of myself! And I am succeeding and loving every second of it!
I am losing fat, getting stronger, healthier, better looking and my physical and mental performance and energy is rising every day!
My six pack abs is more and more visible on my stomach everyday!
I make things happen! And I am making my own six pack abs happen!
Year to six pack abs series :
Year to six pack abs – week 1 – step 1
Year to six pack abs – week 2 – step 2
Year to six pack abs – week 3 – step 3
Year to six pack abs – week 4 – step 4
Year to six pack abs – week 5 – step 5
Year to six pack abs – week 6 – step 6
Year to six pack abs – week 7 – step 7
Year to six pack abs – week 8 – step 8
OK, so this is what you need to do. Old school push-ups is perphas one of the most effective ways to work your chest, arms, and shoulder muscles all the same time, with no equipment needed, and you can do it anywhere. Once you condition your body to be able to do around 15 to 20 push ups at speed, then you’re going to want to start making things more challenging, and you can do this by elevating your feet off the ground. By doing this you’ll be increasing the resistance because you’re working against gravity. So then, it becomes harder to do, but you’ll work your muscles even more. Of course, you’re not going to look like the world’s strongest man doing this routine, but I’m telling you now you will see a rapid improvement in overall muscle tone in your arms, shoulders and chest. Don’t worry about working your abs specifically for now, focus on cutting down your level of bodyfat first, because so long as you’ve got a layer of fat on your stomach, you won’t be seeing your abs anytime soon no matter how many crunches you do. Good luck