Circuit training is nice, time efficient way to add some cardio exercise while improving muscle fitness and strength. By blending cardio and strength exercise, you will improve your cardiovascular fitness and strength in the same time.
For this circuit workout you will need 8 lb heavy ball, pair of 5 lb dumbbells for women and 10 Lb dumbbells for men, and resistance band. If dumbbells feel light go for heavier ones if they feel heavy go for lighter.
You can and should use heart rate monitor to monitor your heart rate. Click here to see where should your heart rate be while doing this circuit workout.
Some guidelines before you start:
1. Start your exercise with warm up. Light running or jogging for 5 minutes is a great warm up
2. Do few simple stretches for all body parts
4. When doing circuit training, your rest between exercises should be kept to a minimum to maximize cardiovascular benefits by keeping your heart rate pumping at an elevated rate
2 to 7 circles:
1. Platypus walk – 20 side steps right, 20 side steps left
Hold a heavy ball in the front of your head. Squat – keep the heels on the floor, thighs are parallel to the floor. In this low squat position, start doing little steps to the side, 20 steps right and 20 steps left, maintainin low squat position.
2. Seating rows – 20 Repetitions (R)
Sit on the floor. Wrap the resistance band evenly around your feet, so the band is tight and creates big resistance. Start performing the rows.
3. Lunge lateral dumbbell raises – 20R (10R on left leg in the front and 10R on right leg in the front)
Grasp dumbbells, bend your elbows to 90 degrees angle and assume a deep lunge position with your right leg in front, thigh parallel with the floor. Start lifting dumbbells sideways to the position when your upper arms are parallel with the floor, maintaining the lunge position. Do 10 repetitions, than switch your legs, so the left is in front and do another 10R.
4. Square jumps – 20R
Grasp dumbbells, bent your elbows to the right angle, trying to keep your feet together, start jumping to the square (front, right, back, left). Repeat 20 times.
5. Lunge shoulder press – 20R (10 R on left leg in the front and 10 R on right leg in the front)
Grasp dumbbells, bring them up over your shoulders, keeping your upper arms parallel with the floor. Assume a deep lunge position with your right leg in front, right thigh parallel with the floor. Start pressing dumbbells up to the almost fully extended elbow position, maintaining the deep lunge position. Do 10R, than switch your legs so the left one is in front and do another 10R.
6. Jumping jacks lateral dumbbell raises – 25R
Perform classic jumping jacks with dumbbells in your hands. Stand straight, legs together, arms next to your body. Jump – spread legs and arms, bring arms up, when you land arms are parallel to the floor. Jump back. Repeat 25 times.
7. Push ups on ball – 20R (10R right hand, 10R left hand)
Assume push up position. If you are a beginner or can’t perform regular push up, put your knees on the floor. Your hands are under your shoulders little wider than shoulders apart. Put right arm on the ball. Perform 10 push ups. Switch arms – put left arm on the ball and perform another 10 push ups.
8. Abs – arms and legs rises with heavy ball – 25R
Lie on the floor. Grasp ball and extend your arms and legs. Lift you arms with the ball and legs simultaneously, meeting them in the highest position. Repeat 25 times.
Congratulations! You did it. Did You know, that the fastest muscle recovery from intensive workout is in the cold water? So if you are on the nice beach and the tide is not too strong, jump in and swim a little. This is the best think you can do for your hurting body. But don’t become a part of a food chain. Survive!
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Your push-ups might also show flat-back position like the plank. Functional training is replacing military-style workouts.
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All the best.
Yours in the daily passion for fitness,
Sifu Slim in Santa Barbara
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