When nothing is working we give up. When we tried everything to loose weight, to make the team, to hold our promises to ourselves and it seems like we are not making any progress, we get discouraged and stop trying. And that is exactly the wrong thing to do.
The fittest, happiest, most successful people know this. They all were there, where you are now. When things seemed helpless and clouds darkest, they stick it out. They kept trying. And they eventually found the way to make it.
To stop trying is the worst thing you can do ever. You can see a lot of people all around you that already stopped trying. Don’t ever become one. Some also say that, when you stop trying, you start dying. And I agree with that statement.
The good check for if you didn’t stop trying is finding yourself in uncomfortable situations often. Sweating in the gym, eating not that tasty diet, but very healthy one, staying in that school and finishing when everybody is expecting you to fail.
Joe Montana was a bench player in college. But he didn’t give up. He didn’t know exactly how to become great quarterback, but he didn’t stop trying. And eventually he become one.
Oprah struggles with her weight loss constantly. But she is not giving up. She keeps trying. She has managed to loose weight before and she knows it’s possible. And I am sure, she will eventually loose it and keep it down.
I never learned English in my life. And first two years when I worked in the San Francisco restaurant, I screwed up more orders than any waiter in the history. It was frustrating and I was many times very close to quitting and getting fired. But I persisted, the manager didn’t fire me and my English eventually got better so I didn’t have any problems with the orders.
Whatever situation you are in, however hard it might be, if you don’t quit, you’ll get certainly better. When the system is expecting you to quit and you persist and stick around, you will achieve extraordinary results.
When nothing is working and everything feels hopeless, you are most likely at the beginning of the turnaround and if you don’t give up, things will get better.
So the best advice is to not stop trying.