Sleep is very important for your health and physical and mental performance. Active people have better, deeper, uninterrupted sleep. They usually need less sleep, because quality of their sleep is much better than the sleep of inactive people.
Inactivity causes bad sleep. Bad sleep causes obesity and decreased immunity system. Every vital function in your body slows down, causing you to get old fast.
Sedentary people have interrupted, not deep enough sleep, that makes them tired the next day. When they are tired, they don’t exercise. And the fallowing night, they don’t sleep well again, and so on.
Don’t let that happen to you. Be active. You don’t have to run 10 K right away. Start slowly and increase intensity and distance overtime. Go for a walk today. You will sleep better. Guaranteed. Than you will feel better next day. And you can go for faster, longer walk, and so on.
You really need a better sleep. It is seriously important for a good life. Get active. Strength train and do your cardiovascular exercise regularly and reap one of the great benefits of being physically active – great sleep.