What is the best medicine in the world? If you expect me to tell you that it is a certain pill or powder, you are wrong. It is much more difficult than just taking a pill to stay healthy. The pills are just one of the last options before everything falls apart. So what is it than? It is a calorie restriction, or better said – eating less and better. And it is closely fallowed by regular exercise – cardiovascular and strength.
People who eat good diet less food, are generally healthy. But the healthiest ones are those who are actually sometimes hungry and starve because they don’t have enough food.
I am not saying that you should be hungry and starve for days. What I am trying to say is that not having enough to eat could be a great thing for your health.
Calorie restriction works as a certain defensive mechanism. When your body senses that it is not having plenty of food, it fires up the immunity system in your body to maximum levels. That’s why certain very skinny people who eat very little get rarely sick on flu season. Cancer risks drop exponentially in people who take less calories, the most in people who literally starve.
But you also need to be careful about this. You don’t want to deprive your body for everything. There is certainly a borderline of how far to go and some people go too far and than danger can outweigh the benefits. Before you really try this, you have to make sure, that your body is getting enough of minimum it needs like its protein requirement, vitamins, minerals like calcium and magnesium. Having enough protein in your diet adding 7 – 10 servings of fruits and vegetables and adding some, not too much of nuts and olive oil will do it. And of course drinking plenty of plain clean water. And nothing else if you are brave enough and you are up for a challenge.
It’s so easy to say, but very hard to do. There are a lot of traps out there and you know it. However the fantastic benefit of this kind of eating is huge and really worth doing it. Would you like to be a person in your sixties and not needing to visit a doctor at all for 10 years except for just the general check up, when he is blown away of the fantastic results you are showing?
When your diet is clean from processed foods like sweets, deserts, white flour products, processed meats, bad oils and sweetened drinks and others, as I said your immunity system, is fired to the maximum.
Remember this: Whenever you are putting processed, sweetened stuff into your mouth, you are decreasing this immunity system, exposing your body to outside and certain inside dangerous forces. Do it for a long enough and some serious health condition emerge. Than you visit your doctor, who diagnoses your disease and prescribes some poisonous pills that fight the disease, but also are damaging your body at the same time. Do you really want that? I don’t think so.
By avoiding these calorie dense foods, mainly sugar and flour, you are keeping your immunity system alert and ready to fight whatever comes effectively and you rarely get sick.
Of course there is more to do than just to eat perfectly little. Adding regular exercise increases this magical medicine to the next level. Keeping you skeletal system strong and resistant helps to avoid injuries and than you can really and certainly live without doctor and all pharmaceutical companies.
Don’t become a human living zombie that is alive only because some chemical is keeping you alive. Prevent that disease with calorie restriction, perfect simple diet and regular exercise and enjoy long, healthy and happy life.
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