Let’s say that you want to improve your sex life.
First, you need to be intelligent enough to know where to look for advice – books, blogs, magazines, sex gurus. Than with your intelligence, you need to sort this advice and pick the one that you think is the most reasonable. If you start drinking Combucha, because your neighbor recommended it to you, claiming it works for him, than I am sorry you are lacking intelligence.
Second. Now you know, that if you want to enjoy a better sex life, you need to maintain a healthy weight, eat heathy diet and exercise regularly and generally become attractive on working on your appearance and intelligence, so you stick with it. You use self control to work on it day in and day out, even if you don’t feel like it.
Third. Once you master those firs two traits of success, you apply your passion. In sex life, that means, you are not afraid to bring it to the next level. You become creative and try things nobody ever tried before………….
Than you become irresistible success in your sex life. You can apply this simple formula in every aspect of your life! Good luck succeeding!