If you’re going through hell, keep going. – Unknown
What is interval training?
If I tell you to run ten 300 yard circles on track field and also tell you to sprint every second circle – that’s interval training.
When I am on the rowing machine doing my cardiovascular exercise for 30 minutes and I add somewhere in the middle 1 min. than 2 min. than 3 min. increased intensity periods, where my heart rate goes substantially higher by increasing the frequency of the strokes and power – that is interval training.
Interval training is mixing intensive periods with easy periods of your cardiovascular exercise.
It could be measured by length, time or amount of strokes.
Interval training is hard.
Psychologically, it is the hardest form of exercise.
And because of that, it is very effective in improving your cardiovascular health, and using extra fat that’s stored on your body as energy.
It is necessary to add interval training to your weekly routine to achieve your own six pack-flat abs.
The biggest six pack-flat abs benefit of interval training comes up after you finish your interval training session.
You body needs up to 72 hours, depending on the intensity you did your intervals with, for recovery.
This recovery means increased metabolism, that means higher caloric needs of your body (you are burning more, even if you’re sitting and resting) and that means burning fat storage on your belly.
And you know what that means – Your own six pack-flat abs.
Hey, everybody wants to have a healthy heart, fit cardiovascular system and everybody wants to be lean and beautiful.
Here, here and here are some great examples and tips on interval training.
If you play soccer, basketball, tennis, surf, hike and other, and you are doing this fun activities intensively, than they are also considered as interval training.
I for example play intensive game of soccer on Fridays, where the intensity fluctuates from easy to longer intensive running periods to maximum sprints. That’s a very intensive interval training.
When should you do your interval workouts?
You need at least 2 days between your interval trainings for recovery.
I usually do my interval training the days after my strength training workouts.
If you fallow the same workout schedule as I do, than it will look like this:
Monday – Whole body strength training
Tuesday – Interval training
Wednesday– Long easy 45 minutes to 1 hour cardiovascular training
Thursday – Whole body strength training
Friday – Interval training
Saturday– Long easy 45 minutes to 1 hour cardiovascular training
Sunday – Off or some kind of other fun easy activity
Prevent burn out:
Sometimes, interval training makes you feel tired. That’s to be expected.
But, if you feel tired at the day of your interval training, skip it and do some light cardiovascular exercise.
If you have been fallowing six pack flat abs principles, and now you add interval training to your six pack workout plan – your six pack abs will be soon visible.
Der Rücken ist zwar kein Bauchmuskel, doch besteht eine wichtige Verbindung zwischen starken Bauchmuskeln und einer starken Rückenmuskulatur. Daher sollte unbedingt für ein Sixpack der Rücken trainiert werden .