The winning six pack abs achiever is the one who has become comfortable at being uncomfortable.
Strength training is one of the best things you can do for your body, your health and your own six pack-flat abs.
With strength training you build lean muscle.
Every extra pound of muscle you build will use that fat you have around your waist for energy.
If you don’t see your six pack-flat abs clearly on your stomach, you have fat storage that can be used for energy.
Fallowing a good nutrition you learned in first 5 Six pack-flat abs principles, doing your cardiovascular exercise and strength training regularly, will cause that energy to disappear and your abdominal muscles to appear.
How often should you strength train?
To achieve your own six pack-flat abs and great health with it, you need to strength train intensively 2 times per week.
Unlike cardiovascular exercise, it is very important what days you do your strength training.
Since you will be strength training intensively all your large muscle parts in one session, you will need to keep 2 to 3 days between your strength training sessions.
2 days are better than 3 days, but 3 days are fine.
My favorite strength training days are Tuesdays and Fridays or Mondays and Thursdays.
With this kind of weekly schedule you can do fun cardiovascular activities on weekends plus you will not miss important strength training session when you go camping.
When you add your strength training to your six pack-flat abs program, your week will look something like this:
Monday – Whole body strength training
Tuesday – Run 45 minutes
Wednesday – Swim 45 minutes
Thursday – Whole body strength training
Friday – 1.5 hour Tennis or 1 hour Elliptical trainer, or 45 min Spinning class
Saturday – 4 hours Hiking
Sunday – Off or some kind of other fun activity
What kind of exercises should you do?
You need to employ major muscle parts in your body.
Mainly large muscles of your legs, back and chest.
The best exercises for your six pack-flat abs are those that workout more muscles at the same time.
These are mainly exercises that employ 2 to 3 joints in your body at the same time.
They are also called Multi-joint or Core exercises.
Typical example of Multi-joint Core exercise is Push up.
You use your elbow joint and shoulder joint to perform push up – employing mainly your large chest muscles – Pectoralis major and arm muscles Triceps.
People often make a big mistake and focus on mainly abdominal exercises to loose fat around their waist.
Many of them don’t work out their leg muscles at all.
This is understandable, considering, that you carry most of your fat around your waist and non on your legs.
But this also shows a poor knowledge on how our body really works.
Because you can not spot reduce fat, focusing on relatively small abdominal muscles with abs exercises is the exactly wrong thing to do.
Yes, you need to do some abdominal exercises, but just a few sets are enough.
As I said before, you need to focus mainly on big muscle parts like Quads and Hamstrings on your thighs and back and chest muscles.
Here are some great simple intensive strength training plans with right strength exercises I do in my weekly routine. You should try them too:
Outdoor workout plan (intermediate to advanced):
Highly functional workout – somewhere just behind your house
Gym workout plans (beginner to intermediate):
Workout plan #1 – simple, effective and safe all-body-machine-resistance workout
Home workout plan (beginner):
Home workout plan for elderly people and beginners
Office workout:
Office workout – intermediate # 1
Office workout – intermediate # 2
If you are a beginner:
Start slowly. Lift light weight first.
You have to deserve to strength train intensively, otherwise you will injure yourself.
Your body needs to get slowly used to lifting heavy weight.
How do you deserve it?
By consistently showing up and not missing your weekly workouts and slowly increasing the load for 7 weeks.
Then, you can go for it, push the limits and workout super intensively.
And that’s exactly, what you need to do to achieve your six pack-flat abs.