Never confuse movement with action. – Ernest Hemingway
By now, your diet is perfect. If not, get back to my first 5 six pack-flat abs principles about eating perfect diet and start applying it.
And you are on the fast track to your own six pack abs and great health.
Right diet is critical for that.
To achieve a six pack abs and great health, you also have to exercise regularly.
Add cardiovascular exercise to your weekly routine. Do it regularly and stick with it.
From now on, start doing your cardiovascular exercise 4 times per week.
It doesn’t really matter right now which days you will do your cardio, but the ideal would be to spread it throughout the week.
I for example do my cardio on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays.
If you can do that, great! If not, like I said, it doesn’t matter when, just do it 4 times per week.
What kind of cardiovascular exercise should you do?
There is a wide variety of cardiovascular exercises you can do. And you don’t have to join the gym for it.
I prefer doing my cardio outdoors.
If you prefer doing it in gym environment or home, that’s fine. You have plenty of choices.
My favorite cardiovascular activities are: Running, bicycling (uphill), swimming, rowing, surfing, playing soccer, playing tennis.
The ones you can do in the gym are great too. This includes all cardiovascular machines like: elliptical, treadmills, rowing machines, spinning machines.
All kinds of different hard physical work activities apply too. for example: Working intensively in your garden, digging or moving.
If you are a beginner:
Start with walking, but don’t get stuck walking for very long.
Increase speed, and than start running and doing other more intensive activities.
Learn here, how to move from walking to running.
Start slowly and keep increasing intensity over time.
How long should you do your cardiovascular exercise?
If you are a beginner – start with 30 minutes walking 4 times per week.
After 2 weeks increase it to 45 min. to an hour and than start increasing the speed and intensity.
If you are experienced and you are already doing your cardiovascular exercise regularly: perfect it to 45 min. to 1 hour, 4 times per week.
How intensively should you do your cardiovascular exercise?
To achieve your six pack-flat abs and superior health, you need to add intensity to your cardiovascular exercise.
Most common ways how to measure cardiovascular intensity is through heart rate or how many times your heart beats per minute.
Your heart rate should be between 70 – 80 % of your maximum heart rate.
Here is the formula: Your heart rate range = 220 – your age x 0.7 and 0.8
For example: I am 33 years old. My six pack-flat abs heart rate zones are:
220 – 33 = 197 – that’s my maximum heart rate. To find my right zone I multiply 197 by 0.7 and 0.8.
197 x 0.7 = 137 and 197 x 0.8 = 158. My six pack-flat abs heart rate zone is between 137 and 158.
Here is how to find out more about how to calculate your target heart rate zones and right cardiovascular intensity.
If you are serious about you six pack-flat abs and superior health with it, cardiovascular exercise has to be part of your weekly routine.
Sometimes you might get bored by it.
Here are some tricks I use, to make it more interesting and fun:
Mondays – I play tennis for 1 1/2 hour
Wednesdays – I run for 45 minutes
Thursdays – but not every Thursday, I swim for 45 minutes, or surf for 2 hours
Fridays – I play soccer for 1 and 1/2 hour or run for 1 hour.
Saturdays – I surf for about 3 hours
As you can see, I turned my cardiovascular exercise into fun activities. And you can do it too.
You don’t have to do it as long as I do. I sometimes go overboard and surf for 4 hours, but that’s not necessary.
Pick activities that interest you. And do them. But make sure, you do them intensively enough for the best benefits.
Your heart rate needs to increase and stay elevated to your six pack-flat abs levels for extended period of time.
Sometimes you will have a days, when you really don’t feel like doing your cardiovascular exercise, or you have something more important to do.
That’s OK. As long as you get back to your schedule as soon as possible.
Few missed workouts are fine as long as you get back on track.
You probably already heard about interval training. Maybe you are already doing it. But for right now don’t worry about intervals.
You will start including them to your six pack-flat abs program later.
For right now, focus on your regular 4 times per week 30 minutes to 1 hour cardiovascular exercise.
Six pack-flat abs principles:
- Six pack-flat abs principles – Introduction
- Six pack-flat abs principle #1 – Eat right carbohydrates only
- Six pack-flat abs principle #2 – Eat right protein only
- Six pack-flat abs principle #3 – Eat right fat only
- Six pack-flat abs principle #4 – Don’t drink your calories
- Six pack-flat abs principle #5 – Eat right way everyday
I am worried for your health. 220-33 is 187, not 197. You have been exceeding your target heart rate by 10.
I see this article was written in 2010. I hope you are still okay now. Also I guess you will be 40 this year. Amazing.
Bye now,
Adam, thank you for your coment. Not to worry. It’s ok to push the heart rate up from the common formula 220-age. But there is a rule if you want to do that. And it is, that you’re consistent exerciser. You’ve been working out consistently and regularly. That’s the key. And you’ll be safe. Your heart is ready for it.
But if you’re just starting, not a good idea. You have to show some consistency. But in general once you’re consistent enough and you’re used to higher intensity, it’s perfectly fine to keep pushing the heart rate out of the conservative formula 220-age.
Thank you Adam for your question!