Self motivation is and always will be the most important form of motivation.
If I told you, that you either have it or you don’t and there is nothing you can do about it, I would be the negative, unsupportive guy.
But, if you don’t care what I say, you probably have it. You probably are self motivated and you don’t wait for somebody to motivate you.
Self motivation is a great thing to have. In the end it’s all we have. Because it really determines where you are and where you’re heading.
Getting motivated by somebody else rarely works for long time. That’s why you can see full public tennis courts few days after a tennis grand slam final.
People see a celebrated hero win in long 5 sets Mach and they get motivated. They feel like they could be like him too, if they work hard enough.
Unfortunately, this motivation doesn’t last long. Couple of weeks later, tennis courts are empty. Like they were before. And the next time they become busy will be after another slam final.
Only few will last longer and very little will last forever. Those are the ones that are self motivated. And obviously, they become better tennis players and better at anything that they are trying to improve at. They are self motivated.
So don’t wait for somebody to motivate you, motivate yourself. Give it a try. Try different things and see what works. Self motivation matters a lot.
Get self motivated or stay dreadfully average like 99% of people who always quit after few tries.
Self motivation is necessary at getting healthier, loosing weight, learning to play harmonica, getting stronger, learning new language, running a marathon under 4 hours, learning french cooking and everything else. Your life depends on it. You have to find it!
Milan…check out a device that I invented that is used by NHL professional hockey players and other skating professionals. There is a off-ice version that works great with roller hockey skates or on a tennis court. You’ll also see the on-ice version that I sell to hockey players and skating instructors. I originally came up with the off-ice Pavesled to be used with roller hockey skates so I could train off-ice for my weekly on-ice hockey game. I’m originally from the Detroit area, am 62 years of age, and still the fastest guy on the ice…really! If you have any questions or need more info, please contact me. Thanks, for your articles. Doug Kalvelage