I had a brief conversation with my friend who’s in agricultural engineering. These guys are smart as hell, inventing products and working on all kinds of geeky computer tasks. And he’s a genius! Yes he is!
Anyway, he was complaining to me :
“They’ve been sending me out to the field to keep checking on plants and to walk around. I don’t want to do this kind of physical degradable job! It’s so under me!”
I understand! And I don’t understand at the same time!
People have this opinion on physical jobs and it’s not a good one. If you work manually, you’re supposed to be dumm, less educated or with no ambitions. It’s sad but it is truth.
Physical labor benefits your mental performance!
People who work physically have bigger brains. Hence bigger capacity – genius like ability to learn.
Physical labour is like untapped exercise you won’t find in gyms.
A Superman or Wonder Woman are not only smart. They are physically fit too! They know how to fix things and move things around. They are not afraid of physical tasks! They are fast and strong and they are willing to use their physical abilities.
Now if you want to be like them, yes be very smart and be a genius. But be physical genius too! Because they are physical geniuses too with six pack abs! Now be like them. Seek physical tasks! Live more and move more!
Physical work not only gives you six pack abs kind of fitness level, it makes you brain genius too. Make sure you utilize this tool to improve your intelligence. Go, get out and do some woodworking or fix that leaky toilet yourself today. And become smarter at the same time. Enough said!