The idea of quitting and achieving six pack abs is simple.
You quit many things in your life that don’t add any value to you and you stick with the stuff that does – six pack abs fitness.
Examples are many, but I’ll mention few that are most visible these days.
Stop wasting so much time on the phone, ipad or computer checking Facebook, Twitter, google plus, email and so on. Huge time saving! And it is huge sanity improvement action step too for you! Can you pull this one off?
Stop going to and eating in restaurants. The food is usually terrible for you and it’s a big waste of time. Learn how to prepare simple healthy meals instead. It’s a great skill to have.
Move closer to your job. Or work from home. Commute means big time waste.
Stop watching TV. Or better, donate your TV today. I did. You can do it too. Can you pull this one off my fellow six pack abs achiever? I know you can.
The benefits of getting rid of these most common time wasters these days is more time to pursue the important stuff in your life like for example – six pack abs fitness and all that health and benefits it brings. Don’t wait my fellow six pack abs achiever. Start quitting today!