The greatest athletes in the history of sports and some of the greatest people in the history of the world became great for no reason other than the possession of these one trait.
Perseverance, and the ability to face all adversity and keep trying; sticking to it no matter what, is the finest quality for achieving your goals.
It is difficult to see the hardship and struggle of somebody who has to go through to achieve that greatness. It takes time, lot of hard work and lot of determination.
Through that determination to keep trying, you learn to conquer the overwhelming odds along the way. The confidence that is obtained from those struggles is what propels you to greater heights. You will fear little because you have faced and conquered much.
Many people give up after 3 or 5 unsuccessful attempts. They cannot see down the road any farther than immediate reward they are suppose to gain from their effort and when they don’t see them, they quit.
No matter what your big goal is, realize that it will take 10 years of hard work to achieve it and than don’t quit.