I had a moment today and without much of thinking, I wrote on napkin in coffee shop my new years resolutions that came to my mind – things that I am missing, not doing, want to stop doing, or want to improve. I recommend, that you think about yours little longer, which I might do later too, but this is what I wrote and it took me about 5 minutes:
- Talk less – only say something, when you really have something to say
- Eat at least three pieces of vegetable and three pieces of fruit every day
- Go surfing more – at least 2 times a week
- Stretch for 15 minutes everyday
- No more gossip
- Cook more home, eat even less meat
- Don’t let negative people distract you – stay the course
- Have a lot of healthy snacks like fruits, vegetables stored in my car
- Read all Harry Potter books
- Be more available to other people when they need help
- Don’t read news in newspaper, don’t watch news in TV
Love you Stolic and really like your New Year’s resolutions. Will write mine as well.