You say: I just can’t get myself motivated to exercise, loose weight, get fit or prevent diabetes.
This is the fact: Motivation is not going to strike you like lighting. Motivation is not something that someone else can force on you. The whole idea of motivation is a trap.
Forget motivation! Just do it! whatever it is. Whatever you want to do. Dive into it! Jump toward it! Exercise, loose weight, test your blood sugar or whatever.
Do it without motivation and guess what. After you start doing the thing, that’s when the motivation comes and makes it easy for you to keep on doing it.
Motivation is like love and happiness. It’s by-product. When you’re actively engaged in doing something it zaps you when you least expect it.
You are more likely to act yourself into feeling, than feel yourself into action. So act! Whatever it is you know you should do. Do it!