1. Maintain a healthy body weight, (don’t be overweight)
2. Adopt physically active lifestyle
3. Be physically active for at least 30 min. each day
4. Consume a healthy, plant-based diet
5. Consume 5 or more servings of variety of vegetables and fruits every day
6. Choose whole grains over refined grains
7. Don’t eat processed meats
8. Limit consumption of red meats (beef, pork, lamb), or don’t eat them at all
9. Limit intake of alcoholic beverages especially if you are woman
10. Don’t drink sugary drinks
11. Limit consumption of energy-dense foods, particularly those that are highly processed, high in added sugars, low in fiber, or high in fat (candy bars, candy, dressings)
12. Eat variety of legumes such as beans, peas, garbanzo beans
13. Limit consumption of salty foods and foods processed with salt