Find a bar or tree branch in your neighborhood. Once a week try this challenging advanced chin ups workout. If you can’t do a chin up, do other workouts for now, but every week come back to your chin up bar and try it again. Starting with just one is great. You will see your strength increasing and you will be able to do more, you will get better.
- Stretch before you start
- cross you legs and don’t move them while lifting yourself up
- go all the way up – your chin should reach over the bar
- go all the way down to extended arms (elbows)
- every intense chin up workout start with different set of chi ups
You will be doing 10 sets of different kind of chi ups. Break between each of them is 2 minutes and 30 seconds.
Write me how many you did on each of them.
1. Wide grip chin ups – maximum amount of repetitions (max.R.)
2. Reverse grip chin ups – max. R.
3. Crossed grip chin ups – right hand reverse grip – max. R.
4. Crossed grip chin ups – left hand reverse grip – max. R.
5. Close grip chin ups – max. R.
6. Close reverse grip chin ups – max. R.
7. Medium wide grip legs up chin ups – max. R.
8. Side moves in chin up position – max. R.
Get up to the chin up position and start moving as far as you can from left side to the right side. You don’t have to keep your legs crossed. Move to the right and left = 1 repetition
9. Backward pull ups – max. R.
10. Flip turn on bar – max. R.
Be careful on these one. This is the most difficult and hardest one and yes it is little dangerous one.
Pull yourself up. Start leaning your head backward and lifting your feet up.
Bring your legs up and flip them over the bar your body fallowing.
This is the ending position. From here go down to hanging position without touching the floor and start over.
My numbers:
1. – 23
2. – 15
3. – 13
4. – 13
5. – 13
6. – 13
7. – 11
8. – 9
10. – 10
11. – 3
Total amount of repetitions: 133 R
Write me your results.
I would love to be able to do these. I put a pull up bar in my office and do them about 5 days a week. I started with one several times per day. After three weeks, I am up to six twice per day.
Do you have advice for me to get to complete all 10 exercises in one day. Me: 6’1″, 193 lbs., 55 years old.
I am adding 30 mins. of stationary bike twice per week to get back into shape also.