Why is it, that people would rather live with a thought that they can die anytime suffering fatal heart attack, than seriously attacking their problem of inactivity, poor diet and being overweight?
I actually know some people, that don’t want to hear the risks of being the candidate for a heart attack. They know somewhere deep down, that they are, but they want to forget it.
Don’t even try to remind them, that they should loose 20 lb or that they should be doing some intervals or, that croissant they had for breakfast is messing up with their body’s hormonal systems, causing sugar levels to fly up and down, causing inflammation inside their arteries. You will upset them and they will get angry. They don’t want to face the reality. They want to live a lie about their health.
Visiting gym regularly and lifting weights, running outside, bicycling, playing tennis, hiking, eating healthy sugarless diet and being lean and fit actually brings an incredible amount of joy and quality to a persons life.
Beside all the health benefits, active, lean, healthy eating people get to hang out with other attractive people. They are generally happier and have much more positive outlook on life. The outlook on life when you’re fit, active and healthy is much nicer and happier than the ugly picture of the death on the beginning of this site.
Is living longer, healthier and happier, more valuable to you than 2 cans of coke, a doughnut or a frozen yogurt?
Would you rather sweat from some physical exercise every day, than get your leg amputated, because of a consequence of high sugar levels in your bloodstream?
Would you rather loose those extra 20 pounds of weight, than get a stroke and become blind?
You would be downright dumb if you wouldn’t. But, you have to face your own reality and do something about it. Don’t forget about it and don’t hide, because death will find you sooner than you want her to!
More about type 2 diabetes, pre diabetes and how to prevent and cure it:
Wast majority of health problems start with elevated levels of sugar floating in our arteries and with the insulin resistance.
Your doctor probably knows next to nothing about the latest in exercise science.
High intensity interval training generates not only major cardiovascular benefit, but also improvement in blood sugar levels, than steady cardio does, like walking or running at the same pace.
The intense contractions that fatigue muscles in activities like interval training and intense weight lifting, really break down carbohydrate stores in muscles. The muscles than become much more responsive to insulin as they attempt to replenish these stores.
Unfortunately, the prevailing diabetes guidelines focus on moderate aerobic training, such as walking, housecleaning, gardening.
You are going to need to do more than push a broom to sweep away or prevent diabetes.
Clearly, diabetes is one of the biggest risk factors for cardiovascular disease. This is what diabetics usually die of.
Along with a low carb eating plan, a gym membership is the most potent antidote to type 2 diabetes.
Weight loss helps glucose control and insulin sensitivity, and exercise helps with weight loss.
Exercise improves insulin sensitivity even without weight loss.
Looking for the cure or prevention for type 2 diabetes? This is it: Intensive, vigorous, hard exercise.
Injury prevention is critical. If a diabetic or pre diabetic blows out a knee or hip doing something incorrectly in the gym, than they can’t work out. And if they can’t work out, they won’t remain healthy. This is life-and-death matter.
In exercise as prevention or cure for diabetes, consistency is the key.
Establish a base fitness level and improve from there. You’re building a sweat equity against diabetes because of long term conditioning effect.
How much physical activity do you need? When you are on low carb diet, it allows you only so much glycogen storage. When it’s gone, you’re done. You may need 20, 40 or 60 minutes. Your body will tell you. Make sure, you’re listening.
In exercise, trade duration for intensity at least 3 times per week for best prevention and cure against type 2 diabetes.
Burn 500 calories on the treadmill without replacing them and your insulin sensitivity jumps 40%. And that’s exactly what you want if you’re trying to prevent or cure type2 diabetes.
Remember, too much insulin can damage arteries and will stimulate cancer cell growth. The more insulin sensitive that tissues are, the better.
Don’t drink heavy carbohydrate drinks during and after workout. There’s been this idea that if you don’t drink carbohydrates during exercise, you won’t be able to finish your workout. So now, people won’t go anywhere or do anything without a sports drink or an energy bar. Do you need all that stuff? The answer is certainly no.
Exercises biggest impact on type 2 diabetes, comes from its effects on the energy metabolism of the large skeletal muscles: quadriceps, hamstrings, gluteus – thighs, pectorals – chest, latissimus – back and deltoids – shoulders. Collectively, they have the capacity to keep excess glucose out of the blood stream and taking pressure of the heart too.
One way diabetes damages the heart is through a condition called ventricular diastolic distinction. It’s the most common feature of the diabetic heart.
Swallowing a pill is easier than exercise. But it doesn’t work by far as well as exercise.
Resistance training equals aerobic exercise at improving insulin resistance and glucose control.
Weight training offers a bonus to the pre diabetics: it burns fat and builds muscles.
Exercise creates more muscle tissue and insulin receptors, improving the absorption of glucose into muscles. They suck it up like a sponge.
Muscle tissue is where the glucose should be, not floating in your blood or being converted into fat for lack of glycogen storage space.
As muscles absorb all that glucose, the pancreas gets a huge relief. It doesn’t have to pump as much insulin in trained person as it does for untrained person.
Type 2 diabetes is a lifestyle disease, one that can be prevented and even reversed by exercise.
Pre diabetics and diabetics should exercise frequently, consistently, intensely, but not endlessly. Get in, hit it hard and get out.
Treat exercise like you would a prescription drug. Your life is at stake.
Once hunger arrives, your brain, in search of a quick sugar fix, will make you reach for the last thing you should have at that moment. Leave that bread in restaurant on the table.
Prevent and cure type 2 diabetes:
Great article indeed. Diet plays an important role in curing diabetes. Can you please share some more info about the best diet to cure diabetes??