I had a friend. Her name was Lisa. Lisa was one of the nicest people I have ever met. She worked on front desk at a job I held before. One morning when I got to work, Lisa wasn’t in for the day. Later on we found out, that Lisa suffered a fatal heart attack. She was only 27.
I never discussed Lisa’s health issues with her. But, just looking at her and her frequent snacks, I am pretty sure, Lisa was pre diabetic, or maybe even diabetic. And maybe she didn’t even know that. She was extremely overweight and she would sip a soda entire time at work.
It’s crazy! People actually die at the age of 27 on the disease, that’s considered an old man’s disease. Heart disease is closely connected to type 2 diabetes and pre diabetes. So, if you have sweeter blood floating in your arteries, you will most likely die of heart attack or stroke sooner or later. Sorry for being so dramatic, but it is quite true.
The good news is, that there is a way to prevent and even cure these deathly disease – type 2 diabetes. And the cure lies in lifestyle. Avoiding sugar dense foods and staying physically active is the answer for type 2 diabetes.
Here are more notes from my research about type – 2 diabetes:
Sugar consumption significantly rises blood pressure.
Having high blood pressure is the most dangerous factor for heart disease.
Half of all heart attacks strike people with normal cholesterol.
Half of those who’s cholesterol is elevated show no signs of heart disease.
You could eat a cholesterol packed diet and still have normal or even low cholesterol.
You could exercise every ounce of known cholesterol from your diet and still have a heart attack waiting to happen readings.
It’s sugar, not cholesterol that is dangerous for our hearts.
The human body seeks homeostasis, it tends to ramp up the production of what it doesn’t receive, and manufacture less of what it does.
You trim some fat from a piece of meat, picture it clogging your arteries, and think, Aha! Heart attack waiting to happen. Fat is the problem! Anyone can understand that.
Only, it doesn’t work that way.
The problem is that as fat intake shrank gram by gram in the American diet, American waistlines grew inch by inch.
Fat will not make you fat.
Carbs are the perpetrator of our obesity/diabetes epidemics.
Two out of three deaths in the US are due to cancer, diabetes, heart disease and stroke. The bottom line is that these diseases are largely preventable through healthy diets, physical activity and maintenance of healthy weight.
Go ahead and read that previous sentence one more time, and again, and again!
Type 2 Diabetes is a direct and entirely predictable result of unhealthy eating.
Carb control makes the human body a fat-burning machine.
Muscle is the most metabolically active tissue, allowing for continuous fat burning, not just during the workouts. Use it to your advantage. Build extra muscle.
When you eat the way you are supposed to eat, your body just weighs what it’s supposed to weight. Period!
Carb restricted diets have positive effects on cardiovascular health. Within 6 months, to 2 years, the risk factors for having heart attack significantly decreases.
One strong argument against carb restriction, even for diabetics, is that people don’t stay the course.
A low carb diet keeps brain sharp and alert. I can definitely confirm this. My memory is fantastic, and my thinking is incredibly clear. I can do a lot of stuff without getting mentally tired.
Studies have linked a low glycemic index diet to a reduced risk for type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer, although certainly the weight loss may be contributing to all three of these beneficial outcomes.
The most recent game changer was the discovery by Japanese food scientists, made in the 1960s, that cornstarch could be turned into a clear, sweet goop called high-fructose corn syrup – HFCS.
HFCS and soft drinks were the perfect match, but not the only one.
HFCS found it’s way into nearly everything we eat and drink. Ketchup, crackers, cereal, yogurt, baked goods, salad dressings, condiments and seemingly everything else on supermarket shelves contain it.
So everything processed has HFCS. If you want to stay healthy, avoid it.
HFCS is not worst than sucrose, dextrose, organic cane juice, brown sugar, honey and other sweeteners. The are all bad for your health.
In truth, when you’re diabetic or trying to prevent diabetes, no sugar is good sugar.
A 12 ounce of soda contains the equivalent of 8 teaspoons of sugar.
Sweet soda has been a Trojan horse for type 2 diabetes.
Drinkers of more than 1 daily soft drink were twice as likely to develop type 2 diabetes as drinkers of only 1. So there is clearly a correlation.
Don’t drink soda at all, live longer, live healthier.
Prevent and cure type 2 diabetes: