I used to have a habit when I would always after dinner have a bowl of ice cream. I am pretty sure, you know what I am talking about. And I am pretty sure I wasn’t alone having this habit.
There is nothing terribly wrong with this habit. Ice cream is tasty, makes our life more exciting, its not entirely that bad for you. But, it still has a lot of sugar in it, preservatives, it’s chemically flavored and the light version has that plastic sugar that nobody really knows how bad for us it really is. And if ice cream becomes really a habit and you have it every day, than you are actually putting huge amounts of sugar to your body over long period of time.
It’s really not about the big bad things we do occasionally. It’s about the little, seemingly innocent things we do regularly, that make difference in our life’s. Do you find time to exercise occasionally? If you do, you are most likely sore for the rest of the week. And however you might feel good about yourself, you are not making much of a difference in your fitness level. However, if you exercise for 30 minutes, even 15 minutes on most of your days consistently, that will make a huge difference over time on your fitness level. It’s the same with ice cream habit. Little bit here and little bit there over time everyday equals huge amount of sugar and chemicals. And I have only one word for those – poison.
My ice cream habit would be so ingrained, that I would have a scoop or two of ice cream almost every night. This way I would put a lot of sugar and chemicals into my system. I would be much better of to eat the whole tub of ice cream on Monday than having a scoop or two on most of the days.
This ice cream habit didn’t really cause me any weight problems, since I am incredibly active person and my diet was generally good at that time. But I didn’t want to put so much chemicals into my system. It seemed like a no brainer to change.
Braking ice cream habit without giving up the good staff
This is what you need to do to break the ice cream habit. Go to the store and buy:
5 fresh bananas
2 bags of frozen strawberries, raspberries, blueberries or any combination of berries – all just frozen and unsweetened
1 bag of frozen mangoes or pineapple – unsweetened
1 whole milk
5 cans of virgin coconut milk
Store berries in freezer. And always when the ice cream time comes up, you pull out your blender, put one fresh banana in it, 1 cup of frozen berries, 1 cup of frozen mango, 1 can of coconut milk, turn the blender on and add a little bit of milk as needed.
After about 1 minute of blending, you will have ready a smoothie that tastes 100 times better than that ice cream you always have. And it will make you not want to eat ice cream and have this smoothies instead. You can always change the combination of frozen fruit in it to keep it interesting. The key is to make it from unsweetened frozen fruit. Yes, they have them in your grocery store. If you can’t find them, look better.
This way, you will still have something very tasty and creamy and naturally sweet to enjoy after dinner, but it will be something that has way less sugar in it, with no preservatives and added flavor and loaded with vitamins and fiber. It will be the smoothie you can have every evening without any guilt feeling and weight gain. And you will change your ice cream habit without even trying too hard. It will be easy. Have these ingredients always ready and changing an ice cream habit will be a pice of cake.
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