- warm up – you can run or jog from your house to warm up for at least 7 – 10 minutes
- stretch – do few simple stretches
- do 2 – 5 circles
- keep breaks between exercises on minimum to keep your heart rate up
1. Triceps dips – Maximum amount of repetitions you can do
Find high curb or bench. If keeping your legs extended is too hard for you, bent them slightly.
While slowly lowering your body as low as you can, keep your back close to the high curb or bench and push back up.
2. Abdominal leg raises hanging on bar – 20 Repetitions
Hang on the bar with your arms and legs extended.
Without swinging, lift your straight legs up almost touching the bar, than lower them slowly back down.
3. Push ups with legs up on high curb – max. amount of repetition you can do
Assume the push up position with your legs up on the high curb or bench.
Perform push up, lowering your body as low as almost touching the floor without letting your but sink and push back up.
4. Chin ups – max. amount of repetitions you can do
Hang on the chin up bar with your hands slightly wider than shoulders apart.
Lift yourself up so the bar is below your chin and slowly lower your body back down to extended arms.
5. Shoulder press push ups – 25 repetitions
Assume the push up position with your legs on high curb or bench. Get closer to the curb lifting your but up and bringing your hands closer to the high curb.
Lower your body slowly down bending your elbows. Almost touch the floor with your nose and push back up.
6. Michael Johnson high jumps – 10 – 20 repetitions
Stand 3-4 feet in the front of the high curb or bench. Bent your knees – squat – hands up.
Jump on the cub.
Get right into a squat on the curb position. And up and jump right back down.
Squat and repeat.
Other workout plans and tips:
Gym workout plans:
Workout plan #1 – simple, effective and safe all-body-machine-resistance workout
Outdoor workout plans:
Workout plan #3 – Outdoor – beach circuit workout with Marta
Workout plan #4 – Outdoor – beach circuit workout with Milan
Interval workout on tennis court- tennis workout
Stretching and warm up:
Stretch before workout, after warm up!
Office workout:
Office workout – intermediate # 1
Office workout – intermediate # 2
Strength training guidelines:
Its an amazing workout which really works no gym required