This article is for guys mainly. And it is about a serious issue we all face. Slowly and certainly, over time, when men age, they gain weight and their waist grows.
Do a little test:
Stand straight, preferably naked, keep your belly comfortably out without forcefully pulling it in. Now look down. Can you see your toes?
If not, sorry to tell you, but you are in trouble. A serious trouble to be more specific.
If you can’t see your toes, you have a 50% higher risk of getting stroke or heart attack.
Weight gain – especially around your abdomen increases vascular trouble as you age. It’s that middle age spare tire that’s so important to prevent as we grow older.
The good news is, that losing weight has a clear-cut impact on your risk. If you lose weight, blood pressure goes down and your risk of getting a stroke or heart attack drops exponentially.
So guys. How about to make this as a number 1 goal for next 7 months – being able to see your toes and else when you look down.