They contain mono unsaturated fats to keep your arteries clear. They also contain levels of precursors of serotonin to boost mood.
Eat 1-2 ounces a day; an ounce is about 11 walnuts or 23 almonds.
Fish(especially wild salmon, whitefish, catfish, flounder, mahi mahi)
They contain artery-clearing omega-3 fatty acids.
Eat 13 ounces a week(or 3 servings about the size of your fist).
Tomato juice
It contains folate, lycopene, and other nutrients to keep arteries young.
Get 7 ounces a day of it.
Olive oil, nut oils, fish oils, flaxseed, avocados
They contain heart-healthy mono-unsaturated fats.
25% of daily calories should be healthy fats.
Real cocoa-based chocolate
It increases dopamine release and provides flavonoids, which keep arteries young.
1 ounce a day of dark chocolate(to replace milk chocolate).
Fresh fruits and vegetables
They contain vitamins and antioxidants for healthy arteries.
Eat 7 servings of various colors vegetables and fruits every day.