We are all different. We all respond differently to various situations. To really find out what works for you, you need to apply trial and error principle. I don’t want you to go and buy a bottle of vodka and drink it and than see how you feel. That’s stupid.
The next time you eat your meal, or do your workout at certain time, or have 2 drinks before you go to sleep, stay mentally aware how you feel after. How your body and brain responds.
How did you sleep after 2 glasses of wine you had at 9 PM? Did you feel well and rested next morning?
If you had a bad sleep and you felt tired the whole day, and you don’t want to experience that again, try only one glass of wine next time. Or have it at 6 PM. Or don’t have it at all.
Do you usually feel sleepy and tired after your lunch? Did you have full bowl of pasta or rice? Next time try to have more chicken breast and less rice and notice how you feel.
How did you feel all day after morning workout? How about evening workout? Did you perform better in the evening or in the morning?
Did you have your second large coffee at 2 PM just to boost your performance? How do you feel at 5 PM? Do you sleep well? If not, skip that 2 PM coffee and see if you sleep better and are rested better next day.
Stay open to notice your feelings, your physical and mental performance. If the outcome of the situation (meal, drink, workout) is great and you are feeling energized, strong, positive, than write it down.
For example: If you just had a great meal for lunch you prepared for yourself day before and you feel great, energized and still not hungry 4 hours later, write that meal down with all ingredients – the amount of protein, carbohydrate and fat.
It sometimes takes longer to figure out what works for you and what does not. But if you stay open and want to improve the outcomes, you can certainly find out what really works for you. Just stay aware and experiment a little.
We all have certain habits that are not serving us very well. Find out about them by experimenting and eliminate them. Even, if you don’t want to give up your glass of wine in the late evening or afternoon coffee, you probably should if it interrupts your sleep and subsequently making you tired.
My personal biggest challenge was to give up candy bars like twix, snickers, cookies. I felt great 5 – 10 minutes after I eat them. But than my sugar level dropped down rapidly and I felt tired and miserable. My physical and mental performance suffered greatly. I knew, I had to change something. And I did. It was not easy. Now simple sugar free, my energy level is high and I don’t even miss that sweet stuff.
I hope, you too can eliminate few bad habits you have by experimenting and trying to find out what works for you. You will be amazed 2 years later, how could you handle that stuff before.