Struggle is where everything valuable in life happens. Seek it. Stay in it longer. Embrace it. Enjoy it!
The paradox is, that once you do that, your life becomes actually easier and more fulfilling. You will be achieving things in relatively short time, comparing to what many people work the whole life’s on and never really achieve.
Things like loosing fat, getting six pack abs, starting million dollar company, learning how to play piano, learning new language, improving health by perfecting your diet. They all require struggle. Struggle is at base of all these activities. And that’s primary reason why so few people master them.
The struggle and frustration you feel at the edges of your abilities – that uncomfortable burn of “almost, almost” – is the sensation of constructing new neural connections and moving the threshold of what you can handle further and further.
Six pack abs require struggle and everything you really want out of your life does too. Get to work! Enjoy it! Yes, struggle can be enjoyable. And achieve anything you really want.