Whatever your goal is. Either it is to loose weight, run marathon under 4 hours, start a million dollar company, get you own six pack abs or to become invincible, the only thing you can control is effort. How much effort are going to put in it is your choice. Are you going to spend your evening watching fun movie, or you are going to get closer to your goal. Yes, that’s ultimately under your control.
I know few people, who really have dreams. In fact they have these dreams for a while now. Dreams like, loosing weight, getting six pack, learning Spanish, quitting their job and starting their own business, writing a book. And when they have some spare time, they hang out in the coffee shops dreaming about their dreams. They are dreaming, it feels good to have a dream that you could someday achieve, but they are not really doing anything to achieve it. They are just having fun dreaming.
If you want to reach certain goal you set yourself to reach that is meaningful enough to you, it won’t be easy. And the only way to reach it is to put an effort into it. And this effort is 100% in your control. Are you going to hit the gym and do your workout on Saturday morning, or are you going to hang out in the coffee shop with your friends. Are you going to finish the project on Friday evening? Or, are you going to watch that favorite show you watch every Friday evening? These things are ultimately in your control.
It’s not fun to go to the gym, when your friends go out. It’s not fun to work on the project, when you can go for a fun dinner out. It’s not fun. And if it’s not fun, it’s likely that very little people are doing it. But those who manage to achieve their goals do.
Anyway, the effort is in your control. Are you putting enough of it toward achieving your goals? if you have to ask that question, you are probably not.