I tripped over this Slovakian qoute on Facebook recently. And it stuck in my memory. It sums it all pretty much up. It says: Drz picu a makaj. The exact translation would be: Shut the f#€k up and do the work required. There was an overweighted guy on one picture and right next to it was the same guy with six pack abs probably a year later.
Some people might find it inappropriate. And it is! But the clarity of the message it delivers is fantastic! We are all after all human beings that seek comfort. And majority of time the thing that stands between us and our goals is laziness and unwillingness to actually do the work necessary to succeed.
I hope it motivates you a little. It certainly does motivate me. I am a strong believer in putting the work in.
I don’t exactly know what you are trying to achieve recently. And it doesn’t matter. If you really do what the Slovakian quote says, you will achieve it. So, drz picu a makaj! Enough said.