With weight reduction through dieting only, people loose not just fat mass, but a little bit of liver, heart, muscle, and other lean tissue. Metabolism slows down, when you only diet. And you don’t want your metabolism to slow down while you are dieting. Yes, you loose weight, and than you’ll gain it back. Your […]
Intensive strength training is a calorie killer
Intensive strength training has a bigger effect on metabolism – calorie burn and weight loss than endurance exercise. Intensity is the most important factor determining post-workout metabolism, so the harder you work in the gym or on the beach the more calories your body will burn afterward. People who intensively strength train achieve so called […]
Setting smarter goals
If you ask people in the gym what they want to accomplish with their fitness regimen, most of them would say that they want to lose weight. But they’d be wrong. Most of them want to look better: they want to tone their muscles, fit into a smaller size, which doesn’t always correlate to a […]
Weight loss program basics
Is your weight loss program right? Here is my check list for you, to find out if you are on right track. A desirable weight loss program: provides at least 1200 calories per day for normal adults to meet their normal nutritional requirements includes balanced nutrition – foods acceptable to the dieter from the viewpoints […]
Gain weight to lose weight
When you start with exercise program and you resistance train, gaining weight is possible, you gain muscle and muscle weighs more than fat. For beginners, you will notice some weight gain at the beginning of a work out cycle because of the dramatic increase of lean muscle mass, but these will later decrease as your […]
Weight loss is a balancing act
People are usually looking to achieve fat reduction, not a muscle reduction. You could be 120 pounds and look completely out of shape while someone who is 150 pounds and has significantly lower body fat will have a much leaner physique and a healthier body composition. Optimal combination of three key factors each dependent on […]
Build muscles to loose fat
Building just a few pounds of muscle in your body helps you get rid of fat much faster, then only by dieting. Muscle exponentially speeds up the fat busting process: 1 pound of muscle requires your body to burn up to 50 extra calories a day just to maintain that muscle. Now think about what […]