I was born in 1977 in former Czechoslovakia, right in the middle of the toughest communist regime.
By the time I was 13 communism fell. So I really experienced it only from a child perspective and it wasn’t bad at all. It was actually great.
There is a lot bad writen about communism and I agree, that there was a lot of bad about it. But I want to mention some great things about communism from a health and fitness perspective:
- no McDonald’s
- no Coca Cola
- nothing made in China
- no fat kids
- no fat adults
- poor people = no money to eat in restaurants
- everybody cooked mainly home grown foods at home
- free organic milk for kids
- free long organized athletic trips to nature for kids
- free skiing trips for kids
- incredible high support for all talented kids, not only those who could afford to fallow their athletic development
- only locally grown fruits and vegetables
- lots of time off = more time for cooking, fishing, hanging out in nature, playing cards and sports
- no pressure at work, no deadlines = no stress
- free athletic organizations that anybody could join
- free sporting equipment and athletic clothes for talented kids
- all kids were playing sports
Sport and athletic performance was highly valued and supported in communism. To perform highly in sports was one of the few things how red flag country could show off in the world that time. Which of course produced healthy athletic youth and adults.
Perhaps, some other countries could copy some of these to apply.
Hey Milan!
how are you? this is BTW Kika & Jana (remember the great duo from Zlate Piesky Lodenica). Was talking to Jana just today, she mentioned your web and actually send me link.
Anyway, I live in Alaska, yes Alaska! the last 8 years. Jana is still in SVK. I totally agree with you about this article. People here in AK are totally brainwashed. everybody complains about socialist views not to even mention some of communist’s. Anyway, you wanna see som REALLY FAT people? Come over here! 6 months of Winter, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with little kids, go figure. When is cold out, which is most of the year, guess who is walking down the street? Me with the kids. Alaska is incredibly unhealthy state. Even according to statistics. Well, I’m going to check some of your other links, and get ready for some ZUMBA.